MO INK: Innovative Indoor Public Trash Can

A Unique Design Inspired by Chinese Ink

MO INK, designed by WeiMing Teng, is an indoor public trash can that draws inspiration from the color-changing properties of traditional Chinese ink. This innovative design reflects our dependence on resources and promotes the importance of recycling and symbiosis. By using psychological suggestion, MO INK makes trash sorting more convenient and encourages responsible waste disposal.

Unlike traditional trash cans, MO INK is made of translucent plastic, allowing users to easily observe and classify their garbage. The recyclable trash cans are crafted from light-colored transparent plastic, while the non-recyclable trash cans are made from black transparent plastic. This design choice ensures that the classification of garbage is visually intuitive and encourages users to make the right choices.

The unique shape of MO INK allows for flexibility in placement, making it suitable for various indoor environments. Whether placed individually or combined, the transparent and black design elements create a visually appealing and functional solution for waste management.

The realization of MO INK involves the use of semi-transparent plastic. The curved front and straight back of the trash bin are separately injection molded and then welded together to create the final product. The dimensions of the trash can are 710mm in height, with a top diameter of 300mm and a bottom diameter of 450mm.

Extensive research was conducted to develop MO INK, focusing on environmental pollution caused by domestic garbage and the importance of public waste classification. Market research, questionnaires, and psychological studies were conducted to understand human behaviors and preferences. The design of MO INK is based on the insights gained from this research, ensuring that it aligns with the psychological tendencies of users.

One of the main challenges faced during the design process was conducting thorough research to understand human psychology and behavior. Through market research, questionnaires, and analysis, the design team was able to incorporate psychological elements into the design, ensuring its effectiveness and usability.

MO INK has been recognized for its innovative design and contribution to public awareness. In 2018, it was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Public Awareness, Volunteerism, and Society Design category. This prestigious award acknowledges designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life.

MO INK is not just a trash can, but a symbol of our responsibility towards the environment. By incorporating elements of Chinese ink and psychology, this design encourages individuals to make conscious choices and contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Weiming teng
Image Credits: Weiming teng
Project Team Members: Weiming teng
Project Name: MO INK
Project Client: Weiming teng


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